Disrupting entrenched sexual and reproductive injustices through fresh insights and solutions.

Shake The Dust supports a dynamic community of change agents. Creating impact through innovative research, powerful advocacy, and strategic communications.

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About us

Hi there!

I’m Sanne. A social impact expert who’s fiercely passionate about human rights, social development, gender and health.

Shake The Dust is born from my ambition to shift perspectives, create unique solutions and hold engaging conversations.

I work to create a world where Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is more than a term, where it means change for all.

What to expect


Shake The Dust offers an innovative and vibrant approach, seamlessly integrating expertise in communications, advocacy, and research. 


Shake The Dust combines a unique outlook, thorough research and actionable recommendations that lead to impactful outcomes.


Shake The Dust is here to work with you and mold your ideas into the innovative and engaging highlights you need.


Shake The Dust shares clear messages and approachable language… along with the occasional bold statement!

What our client say about us

“ Sanne worked with the gender equality advocacy team for two years developing and executing strategic communications to advance our policy objectives. We highly recommend Sanne if you’re looking for reliable, impact-driven communications support. “

– Save the Children

Sanne Thijssen helped IPPF write its 2023-28 Strategy. She joined the team with little background information. She was very quickly able to grasp the key issues and help find solutions.

She brought a tone and voice to the strategy that is the heart and soul of the document. She is solutions-oriented, and able to work to short timelines with many stakeholders.

Without Sanne, our strategy would be a very different document. We are very happy she joined and very thankful for her contributions.”

– International Planned Parenthood Federation

Upcoming campaigns and events

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Social Impact Squad Fall Cycle

Are you a creative or freelancer working on social impact issues? Do you want to start the new year feeling motivated and support? Welcome to our exclusive remote coworking community for social impact consultants! In our tight-knit group of no more than 10 participants, we prioritize collaboration and support.


Find me at the EU Disinfolab [9-10 October, Riga, Latvia]

I’ll be sharing more about Share-Net and Shake The Dust’s Global Safe Abortion map.




Frequently asked questions

For a full overview of Shake The Dust’s services visit the services page. Shake the Dust focuses on issues which fall under the comprehensive umbrella of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), these include but are not limited to:

Sexual Health

  • Sexuality
  • Sexual Relationships and Behaviors
  • Sexually Transmitted infections and Illnesses

Sexual Rights

  • Bodily Integrity
  • Comprehensive Sexuality Education
  • Free, Informed and Voluntary Choice 
  • Gender Identity and Expression
  • Sexual Pleasure
  • Stigma and Discrimination
  • Sexual Orientation and Sex Characteristics 

Reproductive Health

  • Contraception
  • Menstruation
  • (In)fertility
  • Safe abortion
  • Intimate and Gender-based Violence
  • Health System Strengthening

Reproductive Rights 

  • Consent
  • Coercion, Discrimination and Violence
  • Gender Relations

Shake The Dust is committed to creating a community of changemakers.

Civil society and multilateral organizations dedicated to advancing SRHR causes and open to finding innovative solutions will benefit from Shake The Dust’s disruptive approach to research, advocacy, and communication.  Shake The Dust is here to strengthen your initiatives through either long-term strategic partnerships or one-off opportunities for support.

Companies and Businesses committed to incorporating SRHR principles into their operations and corporate social responsibility endeavors can benefit from Shake The Dust’s services. I offer tailored strategies to align business practices with SRHR goals, fostering a socially responsible and inclusive environment.

Media outlets and event organizers can leverage my expertise for insights, data, and analysis on SRHR issues. I provide resources and collaboration opportunities to enhance the depth and accuracy of coverage related to sexual and reproductive health.

Individuals seeking personalized guidance, information, or support in matters related to sexual and reproductive health or social impact consulting are encouraged to reach out to me. 

Want to hear more about Shake The Dust or collaborate?  Drop me an email at sanne@shakethedust.co. I’m always up for a coffee or a chat!