Shake The Dust contributes to ground-breaking research on some of the most pressing and complex issues relating to youth and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Shake The Dust combines a unique outlook, thorough research and action-led recommendations!

Advocacy and Research

Monitoring and Evaluation of projects and programs


Do you have an idea for an event, activity or project on an issue linked to sexual and reproductive health and rights? Do you want to engage youth more in your organization or policies?  Shake The Dust is here to work with you and mold your idea into the innovative and engaging highlight you’re looking for!

Workshops and seminars : Planning, facilitating and moderating
Program development: Brainstorming, researching and co-designing


Communication is key! Shake The Dust is here to share knowledge and start engaging conversations on youth engagement and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Shake The Dust aims for clear messages and approachable language… along with the occasional bold statement to stir up discussions for better reflections!

Media: Articles, commentary, blogs, radio and television

Events: Facilitating, moderating and speaking